Monday, October 9, 2017

9 October 2017

Holy cow this week has been tiring, but good. Just yesterday we stopped by a potential without setting an appointment, and he was actually there instead of hiding from us! Not only that, but he was super receptive and we got our first baptismal date and he said he'll read the Book of Mormon. It's still a little hard to understand everything that they say because they always talk so fast, but I'm getting much better. Talking is harder, but I'm still working on it. I've gone from not being able to talk at all to being able to hold conversations, understand jokes, and keep up with almost everything in only ten weeks. It's super crazy how much the Lord can help us if we let him. We also met a young guy who is super open to learning more and wants a Book of Mormon, but his dad doesn't believe in what we teach at all and so it might get a little hard to keep him going. We'll keep trying though! Maybe his dad will open up more as we teach his son. Other than that it's still mostly been a lot of tracting. I got to go on exchanges with my MTC companion Wednesday, which was pretty cool. Even more so because our trainers were also MTC companions. Go figure. And yesterday a member showed up to priesthood meeting with a huge bag of ties and said that if they weren't all taken, they'd get thrown away. And so now I have a lot of ties. 
​This is maybe half of them. The weirdest part was that almost of them were purple, so now I have tons of purple ties. We also have a random spider who has a web right next to our apartment who we've been feeding random bugs to. It helps keep them out of our apartment. Also, I caught a frog in a jar. It sounds a lot harder than it really was, I just put the jar in front of him and then he hopped in. It was pretty cool, but I let him go like two minutes later and forgot to take a picture. Going back to how exhausting this week has been, it's been super hard to just get up in the mornings. We've managed it, but this is the result half the time: 
​Yeah. It's not pretty. This was during companion study when they make us watch tons of training videos because I'm a greenie. Elder Rolph also is insisting on training me to be a district leader because he's saying I'll be training and a district leader right after he's gone. I hope not, I don't feel ready for either of those at all. Especially training. I'm still trying to figure out what on earth I'm doing. Also, he's saying that he fell asleep because he was sick, but I don't think so. He's now saying that I'm lying, but whatever. anyways, that's all of the news for this week, have a good one and write me back!

Who asked how my Spanish is going? I can do a lot of the talking, but I don't like talking to new people very much so that's a bit of a struggle. I'm definitely getting a lot better with it though. With the band, yeah it gets pretty loud. Especially if you're by the drumline. Also, I find it rather surprising that Matt even knows what a soprano sax is. Do you know how he heard about it?
I tried to run a 5K today, but only made it to two miles. It's just so boring only running on a treadmill, and my companion doesn't like to run nearly as much as I do. Still, I got my mile time down to a 5:45, so that's good. It's really hard to do, but I'd say I'm getting much more in shape. It's been helping me just make it through the days without feeling like I'm dying by the end. We have a zone activity next week that I forgot to mention, we're going to the state fair. It looks like fun, but I'm having some trouble convincing Elder Rolph to go on the really big and scary stuff. He's opening up to the idea. 
Have fun in Louisiana! Hopefully the house will stay standing with only Tom in charge! And I've now sent two emails, so I hope together they're long enough!

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