Tuesday, October 31, 2017

31 October 2017

Well, I'm going to start off with an apology: Yes, I did forget that our PDay got switched to Tuesday and so no one got warned I wouldn't email yesterday. With that, it made yesterday really weird. We woke up still half expecting it to be P Day and my companion was super sad about it the whole day. It ended up being even stranger after we had a door conversation with someone who still believes in the Egyptian gods and was trying to put down the Book of Mormon and the Bible as just "bedtime stories already in the Book of the Dead." We didn't really know what to say, so we invited him to have the English elders come over and teach him more of the Book of Mormon. He declined, saying that it was a man-made religion. That night we also had both of our appointments not be there, so that was fun.
On Saturday, our ward combined with one of the English wards to have a trunk or treat. It was a lot of fun, and we were able to go because one of our investigators showed up. They had the missionaries judge the costumes, and we declared the winners to be an older couple who dressed up as Carl and Ellie from Up. They were great, they had the grape soda buttons and everything. While talking to our investigator, we also got him to commit to go to church, and he did! After the trunk or treat, there were still hundreds of hot dogs left, and they filled up a pot with them and gave it to us and another companionship. So. Many. Hot dogs. We were splitting them up when we realized how ridiculous it looked and so we got a picture right as I was dropping one. 
Sunday was pretty fun too. That was when our ward again combined with the English ward, but this time to have a primary program. So our poor bishop got to conduct the meeting in both Spanish and English, we sang all the hymns in both languages, and and the primary kids did some songs in Spanish as well. Our investigator really enjoyed it, and we got to teach him about prayer that night. It was super cool, and you could really feel the Spirit. Aside from that, not a whole lot happened this week. Randomly, I have a picture of my district and some super sketchy van that we found on the side of the road.

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