My week has been pretty uneventful. Monday, p day as normal, nothing really exciting. Tuesday
we got to go do service helping people who have been displace by the
flooding of the river here. It was a catholic church and we got to sort
out clothes, help make some kits, and lug around some packages of food.
It was pretty nice to be able to help out a little bit. Wednesday, nothing really happened. Thursday,Friday and Saturday as well. Sunday
was a little bit more interesting. For lunch, one of the members asked
us if we wanted some ice cream for dessert and we said sure. He asked
us if we wanted a little or a lot, so we said a lot. He came back with
two cups absolutely overflowing with ice cream. It was hard to finish
all of it, but we managed. This week we´ve been trying to find new
people to teach. Been knocking on a lot of doors trying to find people
who are interested in our message. Walked a lot this week .Saturday
we had a cool experience. We´d decided to visit a less active family
who lived a good distance away, but we decided to make the trip. When
we got there, we started talking with the mom and dad, and the dad
after a little bit of talking to, told us that he´d been praying for a
while that somebody would pass by his house and talk to them and that we
were an answer to his prayers. It was pretty neat to be able to see
how the spirit works. When we were leaving as well and walking back to
our house, a man in the street started talking to us in English, asking
us where we were from and what are our names. Found out that he had
lived in Boston for 3 years before moving back to Porto Velho and he
wanted to find out a little bit more about the church. Pretty awesome.
We´ve managed to talk to him a little bit since and we´re excited to go
on back!
I´ll be switching companions this week. 9 Americans will be
arriving here and my companion will be training one, so I´m staying here
in Porto Velho, but getting a new companion. A little nervous but
excited a the same time. Found out that 2 members of my MTC district
will be coming as well. Super pumped. One will be in Porto Velho as
I´ll be getting the package hopefully this next Tuesday, not tomorrow.
The packages are taking a little while to get here, but they are
trickling in. Things that I need right now would be socks, arch
supports or shoe inserts (Size 11). The insoles of my shoes are wearing
out pretty quickly. If you want to send games, they need to be games
like Uno, small things. Thats about it, oh and maple syrup. If you can
find the maple extract that you can mix with water to make syrup that
works. That what every missionary in this mission asks for (Americans
and Brasilians). Thanks! Hope you all have a great week! Miss all of
Elder Battraw

Two photos
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