Monday, June 24, 2019

24 June 2019

As another missionary mentioned this week that I had somehow managed to not notice, I only have three weeks left. I will use this as an excuse to write shorter emails, I can tell you all about it in person soon anyways.
The main event of this past week was having the car taken away from us by the zone leaders. Well, sort of. They're now making us share the car between us and the Raleigh 1st Ward elders, but this presented a problem for us. You see, when I got here I left my bike at the mission office having been told that once again I was in a full car area. Suddenly, this was no longer the case. I just got my bike back today, but it will only get another week and a bit of use. The other problem is that my comp is recovering from a wrist injury caused by a bike crash, and isn't yet cleared to bike again. And his bike still hasn't gotten the necessary repairs to be useable again. With this, we were forced to dire straits: public transportation. Yup, we've been using the GoRaleigh bus system. It's not bad, but it's slower and requires concerted effort and planning in order to use it effectively. Also, there are some places where the buses simply do not go. Still, we've been making it work. Mostly through rides from members to lessons, and rides from other missionaries to church. On to the work!
Basically, we got whitewashed (double transferred) into this area without any notes getting left for us, so neither of us really have a full understanding of this area or the people being taught. Still, we've been plugging away trying to contact all of these people. We're teaching someone named Mario. Well, sort of. We haven't been able to meet with him in a while, but he's gone to church three times in a row, this last time finding a ride for himself when we couldn't. We're excited for him, but we really want to find a time to meet with him. This week we also found a small family of a mom and her two kids. The mom is Paula, the son is Paul, and we haven't met the daughter yet. We taught Paula and Paul the Restoration and they both really liked it and committed to read and pray about the Book of Mormon. We should be having a lesson with the two of them tonight, and hopefully we'll also meet the daughter. I think that's about it for the news this week, just a picture now. (If you want to know why this was funny, use Google Translate.)

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