Monday, July 1, 2019

1 July 2019

This is officially my third to last P-Day. It still feels like going home is forever away. I don't know quite when that will sink in. Anyways, on to a pretty brief email.
So the missionary work of this week was kind of interrupted and overshadowed by two big things: one, we just absorbed a large chunk of the now-dissolved Virginia Chesapeake Mission, giving us two new stakes and a about 50 more missionaries. That's pretty exciting, we have a mission wide conference tomorrow in Wilmington to meet the new ones. 
The second big thing was the more interruptive. We went on exchanges, and when I came back, my comp and the other missionary were gone. So we called them, only to have Elder Shore (the other missionary) answer and say he was following the ambulance carrying Elder Curtis to the hospital. Soon after waking up, my companion had a seizure, hitting his head and having some pretty bad memory loss. We spent most of the day at the hospital, and he was ordered by the mission nurse to rest and take it easy for a few days. He's better now, but as a result not too much has happened this week. The weirdest part about this was the striking similarity to my training, where I come back from exchanges and my companion is injured/injured worse. Even weirder, I'm in the same area as my training. But yeah, because of that I don't have a lot to talk about this week. Next week should have plenty though!

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