Monday, April 15, 2019

15 April 2019

This week continued to keep it interesting here. Firstly, we were eating lunch with our district Wednesday at a Wendy's when some random Hispanic man walked up to us, and started talking. Now, there are three companionships in our district, and only one speaks Spanish. So the other two just watched silently as we had a five minute conversation with him, where we found out that he has gone to church twice and is neighbors with the first counselor! We set up another time to come by and talk with him, and started teaching both him and his wife! I wasn't personally there for this, I was on exchanges at the time. We have a new thing in our mission, the Spanish Training Leaders.  They're a couple of the more experienced Spanish missionaries who go around and help train and evaluate the missionaries, kind of like zone leaders but for all of the Spanish elders in the mission. They came and really helped us out with our miles as well, because I had to go to Fayetteville and do a baptismal interview for the sisters in our district. The STLs have unlimited miles, so we went in their car to Fayetteville. I really enjoyed the interview, the person being interviewed (Kenzie) is a 15 year old girl who has been going to church for over a year now, but just hasn't been taught before. She was super excited to be baptized and knew a lot more about the church than your average convert. The sisters say that she's actually already planning out her temple marriage with her member boyfriend in the Hawaii temple. It was a cool experience. After that, Elder Rasmussen and I went to try to contact a few people in a trailer park. It reminded me why I don't like trailer parks after dark. This huge dog started running at us while his owner shouted "No les hace nada!" (He won't do anything to you!) We stood there until he stopped with the owner chasing him and calling him to stop. The dog backed off, then came at us again when we had turned around. He called it off again, and we started walking past the truck (the STLs drive a weird car for missionaries) when the dog took off after us again. The owner was screaming again, "NO LES HACE NADA!" At this point, we weren't feeling very trusting in his ability to hold his dog in check and I ended up on top of the cab of the truck and Elder Rasmussen ended up in the bed. After that, the dog backed up and we decided that it was expedient that we leave the trailer park at that time. Reminds me of Alma 55:23. 
In other news, Elizabeth went to church again! She says that she likes it more and more every time she goes. We're going to invite her to baptism this week, and we're super excited for her! Damaris is also doing well. We invited her to be baptized, but she said that she wants to know if the Book of Mormon is true first. Still, we're going to keep working with her, and trying to involve her oldest kid, Joseph. We had a little object lesson with them where we copper plated a nail  and related it to the Atonement. It worked out pretty well, and actually managed to hold his attention for a while. 

I think that's about it for now, see y'all next week!

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