Monday, February 25, 2019

25 February 2019

We had a missionary devotional yesterday, and that was the big thing for the week. Well, we had stake conference 50 miles away, so we got permission to work with the Raeford elders all day. It was super nice to be able to talk to a whole bunch of the old members that I hadn't talked to for months. But in the devotional, every missionary had to sing in a choir. They asked for some volunteers a week or two ago to sing in a small group or do solos. So I decided that I'd like to sing in a small group, and went to the auditions. About 8 or 9 elders showed up, and Sister Goodman (the senior missionary in charge of it all) started having people sing different things. So, I got called up and I sang a part of Savior, Redeemer of my Soul. Evidently it was good enough where I ended up being voluntold into being in the small group and the solo thing. The small group was 4 elders singing the chorus of the second verse of How Great Thou Art, and I ended up singing the higher part. Sister Goodman asked who could sing a high G, and apparantly I can. With the solo, I sang the first verse of Savior, Redeemer of My Soul with Elders Schmidt and Oberstadt. Second verse was just me as a solo and then Elder Oberstadt was alone on the third verse. I was shaking pretty badly, but everyone I talked to said that I did a really good job still. (There were about 500-600 people there.) One member said that my future wife was probably in the audience, so I'll take that as I did well. The whole devotional was really spiritual and had lot of great speakers. It was interesting though, there were no conducting officers or anything. It just flowed from one part to the next. But it was super good.

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