Monday, February 18, 2019

18 February 2019

So, in brief, this was an odd week. We're teaching a man who had a flesh eating bacteria infection in his groin and had tons of surgeries and is constantly in pain, and he talks about it every time. He originally was Irish Catholic but it pretty skeptical about almost every church. Fortunately, ours isn't one of them! So he's really interested in learning a lot more. He's not super sure about joining the church, but we'll work with him.
Our weird story for the week is about going to the local HerbaLife to contact the owner again, Al. Well, an older millionaire Rhodesian street preacher came in and started talking to us. He tried to get us to join his ministry, but we politely declined. He later praised us and kissed our hands because "it's a hard job and nobody gives us praise." It was just a weird time. He also bought us shakes. So, that's the week's story. 

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