Monday, January 14, 2019

14 January 2019

I had to start out with that because this last week has absolutely flown by at record pace. I don't know where all the time goes, really. We got to visit Diane this Wednesday and teach her about the Plan of Salvation. She has been recovering well from her surgery, but her husband is in really bad shape and isn't expected to live more than a couple more days. So, it would be great for y'all to continue praying for her this week. But in some cheerier news, we also had Zone Conference this Wednesday. That's always a bunch of fun. It still surprises me how funny President Holland is. It was a little strange afterwards because I was asked to translate between him and another elder in the zone who doesn't speak English yet. He and his comp were having some issues and President wanted to help him learn English faster, so I kind of ended up being a mediator in all of that. It was definitely one of the stranger moments I've had with President so far. I had wondered briefly why I had been picked to translate, then remembered that I'm the only Spanish assigned missionary in the Wilmington Zone. So I guess I'm really his only option. I did pretty well, but he had to rephrase a couple of things because he uses some more complex words. I've got a good grasp of most Spanish, but when you're throwing around words like "syntax," that's not something that I use often in Spanish. Or at all. So I was caught a little off guard with some of the words. But I got through it okay, and just hope that I don't have to have a repeat performance. But back to the work side of things, we found a couple of sisters the other day who are really excited to learn more, Lexi and Nicole. They've got a big religious background, and want to know more. One of them said she'd invite her boyfriend the next time we visit, so hopefully we'll be able to start teaching him as well. I think that's all of the news for the week, until next time!

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