Monday, October 3, 2016

3 October 2016

We had a very exciting week; lots of lessons! So many members came with us all week long, that for the first time on my mission, we managed a whole week with only member-present lessons! Granted, a large part of that is because most of our investigators are female, without a male in the home most of the time, so we have to have a member with us to teach them at all, but it's still exciting.

On Tuesday, after district meeting, I finally finished up my FRO work: I'm registered! Hopefully no more deportations! That took a while, but we still managed to teach a lesson to a recent convert that night. 

Wednesday was the best day of the week. All through the day, we managed to find people to teach! Usually the afternoon and morning are pretty dry, but we managed to keep going through them too. Aruna, our most progressing investigator, is starting to get ready for baptism. Her biggest problem is that her husband won't let her, and we can't meet with her husband (he's very infrequently available). We are hoping to meet with her husband, but the prognosis isn't good for anytime soon. I don't know what it is with Christians in Visak; they all marry Hindus who won't let them come to church or be baptized! I can name five families right off the top of my head in that situation. Anyway, the highlight of the day was Roshan. He lives right across from us in our apartment building, Anyway, he is actually a former RLDS member, baptized back in 1999, and less-active since. He is now an active Baptist, and enjoys talking about religion. We went over and answered some of his questions, including about the Book of Mormon (which he knows nothing about), and he invited us to come back. 

Thursday was just about as thrilling. We had weekly planning in the morning, then visited Pavani, a very, very long-time investigator. Fortunately, that's about to change! She is now on date for baptism in just two weeks! That makes a pleasant change from "the investigator who is good to go by every now and again". Later that night, we ended up climbing a multitude of stairs to visit a less-active family, the Durga's. The lesson wasn't too eventful, but there were a lot of stairs built into a hillside to get there. 

Friday wasn't as exciting as the other days. We had a lot of bunks, and not a lot of appointments. The only real highlight of it was giving an investigator a blessing. 

Saturday, in contrast, was plenty eventful. We met back up with Pavani, and watched the Restoration movie with her, then went out to Madavalla. That's roughly an hour out from the rest of our area, so we don't go there very often. There, we met with a referral family that we got, the Ravis. They are a very nice, albeit Telegu-only family. We really can't teach them much if they don't know English, but it's always nice to meet new investigators. The best part is that they came to church on Sunday!

We actually had a ton of people at church! Almost all of our investigators showed up. The issue was after church. We had multiple set appointments; but they all fell through, and so did the backups.

Overall, things are going well! I think I'm more or less adjusted to India again. See Ya!

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