Monday, May 16, 2022

16 May 2022

 In the district, with our numbers down to four missionaries and two mission leaders, we've lost quite a few. Our mission leaders are supposed to be ending their missions within the month, too. But on our regular meetings, I did have some experiences that God really is aware of us and knows us during some of the lessons. A very strengthening experience.

As of service, I did get a funny experience with my Mission Leaders. We were talking about my schedule and they mentioned that I was supposed to be serving at the Temple on Thursdays, asking how it was going. I corrected them, letting them know it was just every other Thursday, only for them to turn it back on me, informing me that I alternated assignments, and did laundry every other Thursday. I looked at the clock after she said that.
"So... I'm supposed to be at the Temple... right now?!"
"Um... Oh, yes!... I'll end the meeting, get ready quick!"
Good thing it was a slow night and with a phone call, said they had the hands they need.
One last notable event that happened just a few hours ago, I was helping some nonmembers move donations and furniture from their house. I hated going into the basement. It smelled of campfire mingled with dead animals and death. I thought it was cigars, until I talked with one of the people helping us move stuff, and they clarified that the smell was weed.
Well, good thing that was my first confirmed scent of that.